How SMS Marketing Helps Companies Grow?

What is SMS Marketing? SMS Marketing is the direct transmission of an SMS or short message to a cellular phone to send marketing or promotional material. There are many different types of SMS marketing services available in the market, but you can also opt for an SMS service that allows you to contact your clients through the phone directly.

SMS Marketing

A Lead Generation Company can set your business up with an SMS Marketing system that will allow you to communicate with new and existing leads without having to use your phone. An SMS Marketing system will save you countless hours allowing you to send mass text messages with one click.

There are many ways that you can use the power of SMS marketing to send out messages to your potential customers. For example, if you are trying to target a specific group of people, you may want to use this strategy to drive more leads.

5 Main Benefits Of Using SMS Marketing

5 SMS Marketing Benefits

1. The average open rate for text message marketing campaigns is 98% compared to just a 20% open rate from an email marketing campaign which means little to no spam.

2. Your business will have better user engagement since SMS messages work across all devices and carriers.

3. The third benefit of this type of service is that it enables you to provide real-time updates on your marketing campaign and how the clients receive your messages. This will help you determine if your marketing strategy is effective.

4. With SMS Marketing, you get the message out to a specific audience and gives you the chance to provide a more personal note.

5. Reach more people faster. SMS Marketing is a powerful communication tool to reach out to a huge audience quickly.

And one of the best parts about SMS Marketing is that the big brands are incorporating more and more which means that users are getting used to it. Soon, it will be the “norm” when it comes to communication.

Things To Be Aware Of With SMS Marketing

The biggest drawback to using this form of marketing is that you have to pay a fee for each message. When you use this form of marketing, you have to bear in mind that this is a form of advertising and will cost money. But the advantages of using this form of marketing outweigh the disadvantages and make it a beneficial way of advertising.

You must check with your local state laws to make sure that you stay in compliance and don’t risk getting penalized. In most states, your business must have consent to send SMS messages. You can have users opt-in to SMS communications when they sign up for a subscription or a contact form. You should also add it to your Privacy Policy so that users understand their rights, including how they can opt-out from receiving text messages if they want to.

SMS Targeting

When using this type of service, you will give your clients a quick response and update them about the success you are having. This type of communication can ensure that you are building a good reputation among your customers. You can also have excellent communication with your clients, and this will make them feel that you care about their experience.

SMS Marketing services are very flexible in that they allow you to target specific demographics. You can easily target people who have access to the internet and mobile networked to your company’s marketing channel. You can also target people who do not have access to the internet at all.

Automated SMS Marketing

Automated Text Messages

Automated Text Messages (ATS) are often referred to as scheduled SMS messaging. These are SMS messages written ahead of time but then set to automatically send out at a particular time on a specific day.

An example of ATS is scheduling a meeting. You would schedule the appointment, and then you could write down the times and dates at which you want it to take place, and then when it is set to take place, you can send an SMS message to let the recipient know.

There are two types of ATS – One that sends scheduled messages and sends out unplanned messages. It can be either with an automatic scheduled message or a freebie or bonus message, and there is also a ‘catch’ if you are to receive an unplanned SMS that has nothing to do with any of the other promotional campaigns you might be running. This is what we will be looking at in this article.

If you are sending an important message to a large number of people, and you want to make sure that they are aware that you sent them the message in case it goes to spam, you can use SMS as a backup.


More and more businesses are using SMS Marketing to nurture their leads and even communicate with existing customers/clients in 2020. It is important to learn the laws regarding SMS in your state so that you don’t get penalized. But once you know what you can and cannot do, you will find that SMS will help you increase your ROI.

by JJ Martinez • Updated Sep. 13, 2020